Sunday 10th January.
Today has been spent listening and logging field recordings from Coll, recording synth parts to a couple of songs and drinking far too much coffee.
We’ve drawn up a list of around 10 songs to work on for the album. The festive period has involved listening to the 30+ demos and doing bits of writing and recording from our two different temporary homes with the in-laws in Sanna and Aberfoyle. I’ve also spent most evenings listening to field recordings that I’d taken when up on Coll.
Here’s a snippet of a recording I took with a pair of contact microphones attached to an old abandoned trailer that was out the back of the farmhouse I was living in. Really love the percussive sound that the trailer made as the wind blew against it:
This coming Saturday (16/01/2016) will be Day 1 in the studio – can’t wait to get started!
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